Angular JS
ui-grid 컬럼정의Angular JS 2017. 4. 23. 20:11
-name: "Pretty Foo" (mandatory) each column should have a name, although for backward compatibility with 2.x name can be omitted if field is present -width: 60-minWidth: 50-maxWidth: 9000-visible: true -field: "foo" Can also be a property path on your data model. "", "Name.First", etc. (Note: If your entity has a field named "2016.01 Score" then this will be interpreted as a path ..
ui-grid option항목Angular JS 2017. 4. 23. 20:02
//Define an aggregate template to customize the rows when grouped. See github wiki for more details. aggregateTemplate: undefined, // no more in v3.0.+ //Callback for when you want to validate something after selection. afterSelectionChange: function() { // no more in v3.0.+ }, /* Callback if you want to inspect something before selection, return false if you want to cancel the selection. return..
ui-grid 팁Angular JS 2017. 4. 23. 19:48
1.rownumber $scope.gridOptions = { data: 'myData', columnDefs: [ {field: '', displayName: 'Row Number', cellTemplate: '{{row.rowIndex + 1}}'}, {field: 'name', displayName: 'Name'}, {field:'age', displayName:'Age'}] };2.celltemplat function angular.module('myApp', ['ui.grid']) .controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.parseDate = function (p) { // Just return the value you want ..
Customer FilterAngular JS 2016. 8. 1. 19:49
1.기본구조 app.filter('myFilter', function() { // In the return function, we must pass in a single parameter which will be the data we will work on. // We have the ability to support multiple other parameters that can be passed into the filter optionally return function(input, optional1, optional2) { //옵션값은 {{원본데이더터 | myfilter:option1,option2}} 이렇게 사용 var output; // Do filter work here return output..