ui-grid 컬럼정의Angular JS 2017. 4. 23. 20:11
-name: "Pretty Foo" (mandatory) each column should have a name, although for backward compatibility with 2.x name can be omitted if field is present
-width: 60
-minWidth: 50
-maxWidth: 9000
-visible: true
-field: "foo" Can also be a property path on your data model. "foo.bar.myField", "Name.First", etc. (Note: If your entity has a field named "2016.01 Score" then this will be interpreted as a path and that column will appear blank, even though the filters may work).
displayName: "Pretty Foo"
enableSorting: true
enableFiltering: true
resizable: true
groupable: true allows the column to be grouped with drag and drop, but has no effect on gridOptions.groups
pinnable: true allows the column to be pinned when enablePinning is set to true
editableCellTemplate: true the template to use while editing
enableCellEdit: true allows the cell to use an edit template when focused (grid option enableCellSelection must be enabled)
cellEditableCondition: 'true' controls when to use the edit template on per-row basis using an angular expression (enableCellEdit must also be true for editing)
sortFn: function(a,b){return a > b} (see Sorting and Filtering) It may be renamed to 'sortingAlgorithm'.
cellTemplate: ""(see Templating)
cellClass: "userDefinedCSSClass"
headerCellClass: "userDefinedCSSClass"
headerCellTemplate: "" (see Templating)
cellFilter string name for filter to use on the cell ('currency', 'date', etc..)
aggLabelFilter string name for filter to use on the aggregate label ('currency', 'date', etc..) defaults to cellFilter if not set.
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