Angular JS
한글 바인딩 해결 방법Angular JS 2019. 1. 30. 15:52
eventAdMagApp.config(function ($provide) { $provide.decorator('textareaDirective', function($delegate, $log) { var directive = $delegate[0]; angular.extend(, { post: function(scope, element, attr, ctrls) { element.on('compositionupdate', function (event) { element.triggerHandler('compositionend'); }) } }); return $delegate; });}); eventAdMagApp.config(function ($provide) { $provide..
anuglar+springAngular JS 2019. 1. 18. 23:34
1.Create normal Dynamic web project. 2.Add all dependancy required for spring or user maven pom.xml 3.Open CMD, navigate to angular2 application. Hit command 'npm install' and then 'ng build' or use 'ng build --prod' for production build. this command will create a “dist” folder, copy all files including all folders. 4. Paste those files and folders into 'WebContent' directory. 5. Last thing, yo..
tomcat7 angular4 depolyAngular JS 2018. 11. 27. 09:52
If you're using Angular CLI, run the build command as follows (note the period at the end):ng build -prod --base-href .This will build the bundles into the dist directory of your project. Copy the dist directory to the webapps/ROOT dir of your Tomcat installation dir.Start Tomcat and open the following URL in your browser: http://localhost:8080/distThis is pretty much it.
FormData data and file UploadAngular JS 2018. 11. 26. 22:36
JS 파일 $scope.saveHnews=function(){var fd = new FormData(); var uploadUrl=""; if(!$scope.model.sub_title){ $scope.model.sub_title="0"; } fd.append("orgcd", angular.toJson($scope.model)); if($scope.imgFile!=null){ fd.append("imgFile", $scope.imgFile) ; } $, fd, { transformRequest: angular.identity, headers: {'Content-Type': undefined} }) .success(function(data..
ui-grid rowSelectAngular JS 2017. 4. 25. 13:00
$scope.studentgrid = { data: 'students', enableFiltering: false, onRegisterApi: function(gridApi){ $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor( $scope.singleFilter, 200 ); }, enableRowSelection: true, multiSelect: false, enableColumnResizing: true, enableSelectAll:true, enableCellEdit: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableCellEditOnFocus: false, columnDefs: [ { fiel..