전체 글
mysql cursor example카테고리 없음 2019. 1. 14. 09:33
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE build_email_list (INOUT email_list varchar(4000))BEGIN DECLARE v_finished INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_email varchar(100) DEFAULT ""; -- declare cursor for employee email DEClARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email FROM employees; -- declare NOT FOUND handler DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_finished = 1; OPEN email_cursor; get_email: LOOP FETCH email_c..
mysql cusor multi values카테고리 없음 2019. 1. 14. 09:28
BEGIN TRANSACTION declare @cnt int declare @test nvarchar(128) -- variable to hold table name declare @tableName nvarchar(255) declare @cmd nvarchar(500) -- local means the cursor name is private to this code -- fast_forward enables some speed optimizations declare Tests cursor local fast_forward for SELECT COLUMN_NAME, TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME LIKE 'pct%' AND..
props란?React 2019. 1. 11. 12:58
Props는 부모 컴포너트에서 받은 변하지 않은 값입니다. 1) 함수형 컴포넌트에서 PROPS사용 하기 function Square(props){ return( {props.number} square is {props.number * props.number} ) } ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root')); 2)클래스형 컴포넌트에서 props사용하기 class Square2 extends React.Component{ render(){ return( {this.props.number} square is {this.props.number * this.props.number} ); } } ReactDOM.render( , document.getElement..
merge into 사용법ORACLE 2018. 12. 6. 11:37
신규데이터는 입력하고 조건에 맞는 데이터가 있으면 업데이트 하는 구문 MERGE INTO 테이블명 별칭 USING 대상테이블/뷰 별칭 ON 조인조건 WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET 컬럼1=값1 컬럼2=값2 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (컬럼1,컬럼2,...) VALUES(값1,값2,...); MERGE INTO G_PERSON USING DUAL ON(ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER = #{organization_identifier} ANDNAME= #{name} ANDPHONE_NUMBER = #{phone_number}ANDBIRTH_DATE = #{birth_date} ANDGENDER = #{gender} ANDGROUP_KIND = #{gro..
tomcat7 angular4 depolyAngular JS 2018. 11. 27. 09:52
If you're using Angular CLI, run the build command as follows (note the period at the end):ng build -prod --base-href .This will build the bundles into the dist directory of your project. Copy the dist directory to the webapps/ROOT dir of your Tomcat installation dir.Start Tomcat and open the following URL in your browser: http://localhost:8080/distThis is pretty much it.
FormData data and file UploadAngular JS 2018. 11. 26. 22:36
JS 파일 $scope.saveHnews=function(){var fd = new FormData(); var uploadUrl="McContentsInsert.do"; if(!$scope.model.sub_title){ $scope.model.sub_title="0"; } fd.append("orgcd", angular.toJson($scope.model)); if($scope.imgFile!=null){ fd.append("imgFile", $scope.imgFile) ; } $http.post(uploadUrl, fd, { transformRequest: angular.identity, headers: {'Content-Type': undefined} }) .success(function(data..